Thank you to Alissa Grimaldi for being the exact teacher and mentor I needed in the Big Apple. The potent combination of your vivacity, attention to detail, and most of all, patience, keeps me improving week by week. You respect my instrument for what it is and are constantly helping unearth its most natural sound. I can’t wait until you return from Germany and I get to show you the fruits of our labor!
Alissa Grimaldi is without a doubt the most amazing teacher I have had the pleasure of working with. I have worked with some wonderful teachers who have imparted a wealth of knowledge to me, but Alissa is unique. The technique she teaches is one of preparation, having the “road map,” as she says, of your voice. She emphasizes the “your” in this philosophy, tailoring her approach to meet “your” given technical needs and goals. The technique emphasizes the release of tension in the body, modifying resonance for optimal sound and clarity in pronunciation, diction through vowel alignment, optimal breath extension, relaxation, and resistance, and successful presentation whether for performance or audition. She is equally at home in classical and musical theater styles, and can help a singer find their most true and efficient sound, and get to the heart of acting their pieces through voice and body. Best of all, there are no expectations with Alissa except the ones you set for yourself, so there is no pressure, and no typical New York studio “clique-iness.” Your time with her is purely a place to explore, learn, and grow. I use the principles of her teaching in my own teaching as well as my professional singing career. Her expertise and support have helped me shape a successful career as a teacher and as an artist.
Alissa Grimaldi is a true expert on operatic vocal technique. As a teacher, she is rigorous and demanding, but also very patient and enthusiastic. Since I started taking lessons from her, my singing has improved several times over.
~ Theodore Shulman, bass
It is not often one comes across a classically trained opera singer with a natural propensity to deliver cabaret and old standards in such compelling fashion. Alissa Grimaldi does just that and in grand style! She puts a spin on her interpretations as only someone classically trained can. The interaction between her and guest artist, jazz guitarist Steve Homan can only be described as a meeting of two minds for a beautiful union in Gershwin’s classic ’S Wonderful. Her dramatic ability comes through loud and clear in tunes like “Unexpected Song” and “Perhaps.” So sit back, relax, listen and be drawn in to fine vocal work on this, her premiere pop/cabaret collection and you’ll discover that Alissa Grimaldi “Rocks”!!!!!
~ Michael Smith commenting on Alissa Grimaldi’s CD
Alissa Grimaldi has taught me so incredibly much about my voice, myself and many of the ins and outs of “the business.” With Alissa’s training in classical technique, I have not only found a head voice that I had no idea I was capable of, but also brought my belt to new levels I didn’t know I could do. Alissa is straightforward, to the point, but also extremely caring, gifted and talented. I owe everything I have become and everything that is to come to me in my future career to this woman.
Her technique and training is unique and fun. She easily figures out what you need and what will help you and your voice grow to its full potential without any stress on your vocal chords or throat. Alissa’s style and teachings will keep you singing and singing well for the rest of your life and help build your voice back if it has had previous damage. I wouldn’t choose any other vocal coach except Alissa.
And even when I’m living on the other side of the country from her, I know I can still give her a ring and rest assured that any vocal problems I may have will be listened to and corrected–even by phone. I love her with all my heart and every singer should be so lucky to be taught by such a great woman.
~ Kate Richardson
My family and I would like to thank you for all you have done for Kellsey as well as us.
I remember the first time I called to see if you would take Kellsey on as a student. I asked you if you take children, then Kellsey was eight years old, you replied, “No I don’t take kids because they can’t focus and I don’t like to take them until they reach puberty when their voice matures”. I then begged you to please just listen to her. You gave me a date and time and I brought Kellsey to you. This would be the beginning of the greatest thing that ever happened to this family. As you listened to her, you said that you would try it out. Although it was a challenge, you hung in there. Kellsey was a very unfocused, fidgety, and a hyper child with many issues.
Knowing that she was promising I will never forget the words you said to me of how you wanted to give back to someone what you once had received yourself and continued with the challenge to work with Kellsey. It wasn’t just with her voice but her as a person as well. You knew we did not have much money to pay you and you still continued to sacrifice your time to her. Sometimes you spent hours of your own time to get her ready for a function, help her analyze her disabilities to overcome them weather it was personal or musical, you made sure that she always had the best. You gave up personal time to be at many of her performances, often traveling miles to get there, you would bring home gifts from trips for her, treating her as if she was family, you dressed her up to make her feel beautiful for her performances when we didn’t have the money, made us all feel at home, and even made sure she continued on with the best teacher after you moved.
It was a long haul I’m sure, over time she overcame many of her weaknesses, and while continuing with your excellent teaching, has become a very wonderful and promising singer. She would have never been able to perform at the countless functions giving us the joy to see her and making us proud if you hadn’t given her so much. Along with your teaching of vocal lessons, you also gave her lessons of growing up, becoming a strong young adult teen, and how to be caring and giving as you yourself have been over these very memorable years. It’s very hard to say goodbye and to let you go. Your knowledge and talents of teaching voice is unsurpassed.
There will never be anyone like you or that could pass on such a wonderful gift. We could never tell you or show you how much we appreciate all you have done. Whatever Kellsey becomes vocally, I will always believe that you being a big part of her life for five years and passing on all you could give to her, she will always owe you for being her wonderful teacher and mentor. Thank you for all the memorable exciting years you have given my family and Kellsey. We will never forget you and what you have done for her. We hope all your dreams come true and you live long, happily and healthy in your dream place of New York. You will be missed more than you will ever know. This community has lost someone great and dear to all of us. If she ever does make it to a performance in front of millions or wins a vocal award over countless others I know her first words of thanks will be “to my wonderful voice coach Brenda Grimaldi and all she did for me, I love you Brenda”. Take care of yourself and please keep in touch.
NOTE: Kellesy is now beginning her career as a soloist for local orchestras and has won a voice scholarship for college.
~ The Long Family and Grandparents of Kellsey Long